It doesn't look like a cake at all! They also bought a plant with mini Mandarin oranges sprouting from it.

Soon, we all got ready to go out again for my brother's birthday dinner, which we ate at a small chinese restaurant. The food there was not only delicious, but also cheap. We ordered lots of food and also frog legs at my brother's request. After dinner, we were all stuffed. We then went to Kovan to have another view at the plants display. There were many interesting plants, and there were also lots of pitcher plants! After walking around and viewing all the stalls, we bought a small bamboo plant. Thereafter, it was getting late and we decided to go home to cut the cake. We sang a birthday song, and I congratulated him in reaching 18 years of age. Then, all of us had a piece of the cake and got ready to sleep. I can't believe that time is passing so fast, m brother is going to NS at year end and I'm going to miss him!